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We've done this before, Whitney and I. We've created something new, something different, something unique to us, unique to the market, true to who we are, genuine, loving, kind and warm. Something about being healthy and being kind. It's who we are.

If you read The Power Path, a site by shamanic wisdom practitioners in Santa Fe, that many of us subscribe to around The Sanctuary, you'll know of Jose Stephens, one of the creators and writers of their wisdom. He says we all have an "Entity Family". Those folks that you meet that just feel like home. Whitney is one of those people for me, as are all of our teachers at TSYR. We see eye to eye on things in ways that don't make sense. We don't even really have to have words to communicate often times. We have this vibe, our teaching community. We just know when we need to reach out to each other, to be there for one another, and to check in/hold space/hold hands. Community. CommUNITY. A rare thing these days.

While I've been struggling in the last few weeks, it was Rebecca Emery that brought me to clarity the other day. "It's just a space," she said. And she's right. It's not the 4 walls that make the space. It's the energy we all bring to what we do. It doesn't really matter where we are. We can do this. We have done it before. And we will continue to ebb and flow and evolve with life.

So tomorrow (Saturday, Feb 15th) is that last day of Clearfork. Beautiful memories to be cherished and celebrated for sure.



To independence.

To the next chapter.

We've done this before.

We may have to do it again.

And so it is.

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